The SICA company was founded in 2010 and has created its 14-year history together with all of you, dear customers and colleagues.
We continue to strengthen our position in the market by introducing innovative products based on technology in the field of research and consulting services, guaranteeing the quality of our services.
Starting from 2020, we have been implementing the DATA LITERATE NATION STRATEGY, in order to make research and data available and accessible, as well as to create applicable knowledge, attitudes, and practices.
With the aim to expand our foreign cooperation and launch international operations, we signed a memorandum of cooperation with a research and consulting services company M-Vector of Kyrgyzstan and achieved certain results.
In the future, while maintaining our independence and successfully positioning our company not only in Mongolia, but also in the international market, we aim to become an organization that has localized ESG standards and made a real contribution to the development of our nation.
We are always open to working with you. I wish you happiness, success and health.
Chief Executive Officer
SICA LLC was established on April 27, 2010 and has been providing high-quality research, monitoring, evaluation, training, and project management services to its customers.
By working to be an organization that respects our customers and values quality, we have been able to improve our resources and capabilities over the years and take a firm position in the field of research and development.
We have followed international standards in our operations since our establishment and regularly introduce advanced technology and new methodologies to the services we offer. Moreover, we have expanded our activities by cooperating with major domestic and foreign-invested enterprises, organizations, governmental and non-governmental organizations.Our company has professional researchers in each field and has organized its human resources to ensure effective cooperation between senior and younger generations. The advisory team consists of experts with abundant experience and influence in the field. We have 30 full-time employees, 50 part-time scientists and consultants who are leaders in their fields, and a pool of approximately 500 contract researchers with data collection expertise.
Comply with internationally accepted and standardized methods and methodology into operations.
Quality control in each step of research and analysis operations.
Comply with professional ethics and provide genuine and accurate information.
To perform every stage of services in accordance with the plan and within the established time frame.
Operate without influence from others, respect and maintain the clients’ and participants’ confidentiality.
Support initiatives that lead to future success and seek new ideas.
We completed a total of 358 consulting services from 207 business units.
Out of all the projects completed last year, 34% of them were commissioned by business organizations, 30% by government organizations, 24% by international organizations, and 12% by other organizations. 42% of the projects was social research, 35% was business research, 14% was monitoring and evaluation and 9% was other research projects.
We created SICA Band a live music band on our 13th anniversary.
Became a member of ESOMAR. ESOMAR is the leading international membership organization in the field of data analysis and research.
We were at ESOMAR Congress 2023. This year's congress was held during 10-13 of September, 2023 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
SICA’s CEO J. Erdenebileg and Deputy Director G. Erdene participated in the "Business Opportunities Fair 2023" forum organized by the Asian Development Bank.
Asia Pacific Evaluation Association's conference named “Future of Evaluation: Leveraging Partnerships for Equitable Development in Asia Pacific” was held during 04-07 of December, 2023 in Manila, Philippines. 192 evaluators from 39 countries gathered at the conference to share good experiences and discuss future trends in monitoring and evaluation. A team of 15 people from Mongolia participated in the conference. Our company participated with a team of 4 people and learned from international experience.
Our representatives visited Kyrgyzstan, signed a memorandum of cooperation with the country’s leading research and consulting services agency, M-Vector and started our cooperation.
Started implementing “1000 RESEARCHERS PROGRAM”. Within the framework of the program, we are cooperating with the Business Academy at the Mongolian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and signed a memorandum of cooperation with them.
Started implementing “MENTERN-SHIP PROGRAM”. Within the framework of the program, we signed a memorandum of cooperation with NUM and MULS, major, leading universities in Mongolia, and successfully continuing our cooperation.
Started hosting open data on the Datamon platform.
Participated in the Asia-Pacific Research Committee annual conference and learned from international experiences and best practices.
Participated in the Mystery shopping professionals’ association - Asia/Pacific (MSPA-AP)’s 17th annual conference and learned from others’ experience.
Conducted “Mongolian cultural and behavioral study” (Mongolian Identity Survey) and presented the results.
Signed a memorandum of cooperation with Association of Mongolians Abroad NGO and started our cooperation.
The 10th anniversary of the establishment of SICA was celebrated.
DATAMON.MN. We started operating website, which is a platform that hosts research prepared by researchers, professors, professional organizations, and research and consulting organizations.
Initiated the DATA PLAY podcast to introduce the importance of research to the public.
Initiated and conducted “Mongolian Generation Study” and presented the results to the public.
Initiated and conducted “A Productive Mongolian study” and presented the results to the public.
Became a member of the Mystery shopping professionals’ association – Asia/Pacific (MSPA - AP)
Became a member of the Mongolian Business Council (MBC).
Implemented “Smart districts and provinces” It serves as a bridge to provide citizens with accurate information about policies and implemented activities of public service organizations, and to listen to citizens' opinions, and to develop cooperation.
Developed an online survey platform (
Conducted “BUSINESS TENDENCY SURVEYS”, developed by Organization for economic cooperation and development and implemented in more than 50 countries in the world, in the business environment of Mongolia.
Organized “Quarterly brainstorming meetings” within the framework of the current issues of Mongolia. The purpose of the meeting and discussion is to create an enabling environment for academicians and researchers to exchange information within the scope of their research, bring together their new ideas and initiatives, and reach a common understanding.
Developed a new product called DATA BANK. It is a database where you can easily access to complex information such as the main social and economic indicators of Mongolia and research reports on specific sectors.
Launched the KNOWLEDGE menu on our website in order to provide knowledge and methodology of research and analysis to the public.
Recruited volunteers and started sharing experience.
Became a member of the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Expanded our operations and moved to a new office in the city center.
Under the motto "DEVELOPMENT BASED ON RESEARCH", we began to conduct research on the featured topics quarterly and disseminate the research openly to the public.
Became a member of the Mongolian Management Consultants’ Institute.
Started organizing “RESEARCHER” training.
Started our sponsorship for and cooperation with the “KHUREL TOGOOT”, an annual scientific conference jointly organized by the Ministry of Education, the Mongolian Young Scientist’s Association, and the Academy of Science.
Prepared and delivered the price information of some consumer food products sold in Ulaanbaatar city to the citizens every 14 days and started calculating the index.
Introduced “MAPPING SURVEY” sales channel program with web-based information system that is connected to Google Map, where the information can be obtained regardless of time and place.
Provided “REAL ESTATE RESEARCH” complex service which gathers stakeholders in the real estate market in one place, enables the supplier side to measure its results of marketing activation and develop a comprehensive reports and summary.
Visited 130.4 thousand households that use stoves and emit smoke in 6 districts of Ulaanbaatar city center and registered them in the "Smart Air Quality Control System" and created a web-based database.
The "Information Processing Center" was commissioned in accordance with international standards. The CATI center and focus group interview room have been put into operation.
Introduced an online survey system using smartphones.
Conducted political research using international methodology and best practices.
Conducted CENSUS for the first time among private entities.
On 27.04.2010, SICA LLC was founded.
SICA LLC prioritizes researcher ethics and social responsibility.
We provide users with knowledge and information about research, and sponsor and cooperate with scientific conferences and competitions to support intellectual youth who are the future of Mongolia.
We protect nature and the environment, and strive to be an environment-friendly team, taking care of the environment of every activity we do.
As part of this project, a series of studies will be conducted to determine Mongolian culture and behavior in 2020-2029. Currently, the following 2 studies have been completed within the project. It includes: